One of the biggest reasons your team struggles to get work done on time is because they can't easily access the information they need.
This is because everything is disorganized and stored across several different apps.
Email, slack, and text for client & team communication
Google Drive and physical folders for client documents
Sticky notes, word documents, & notebooks for client information
Excel, paper, and email for tracking the status of work
This makes it very difficult for your team to find the information they need to get work done.
Financial Cents solves this problem by centeralizing all this information in one place. This keeps your firm organized at scale and makes it easy for your team to access the information they need.
In Financial Cents, all the information your team needs to complete their work is stored on the actual work so they can access all the information needed in a single click while working.
They have everything in one place.
Process checklists
Client communication
Team communication
Emails related to the work
External Resources
Access other apps like QuickBooks Online, Google Drive, One Drive, etc.
Other client information
Meeting notes, entity information, contact information, passwords to their apps, etc.