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How to Bulk Edit Projects

How to easily mass or bulk edit your projects in Financial Cents

Shahram Zarshenas avatar
Written by Shahram Zarshenas
Updated over a week ago

Sometimes you need to update multiple projects at once.

That is why we just released the ability to bulk edit projects in Financial Cents! This will make it easy to bulk edit the following details on projects:

  • Assignees

  • Project Title

  • Start Date

  • Internal Due Date

  • Due Date

  • Due Date Extension

  • The Recurrence

  • Accounting Period

You can easily start bulk editing projects by going to your workflow dashboard > selecting the projects, and clicking "Bulk Actions", as seen below:

You will see two options: "Update Assignees" or "Update Other Fields"

Update Assignees

You will have the option to either:

  • Change the existing assignees on projects

  • Add new assignees to the projects

Changing the existing assignees will replace the current assignee on a project with a new one. This is great for when you need to mass transition work to someone else on your team. If you replace an assignee that is assigned tasks within that same project it will also update those tasks within the project.

To change the assignee on the project you will need to select the assignee you want to change and then choose the team member you want to change it to.

Adding a new assignee will simply add a new assignee to the projects. You will also have the ability to add that new assignee to all unassigned tasks within the project.

Update Other Fields

To update the other fields you will need to select the fields you want to update and make the change. You can update the title, start date, due date, internal due date, extension due date, recurrence, and accounting period as seen below:

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