With the unbilled time report, you can:
View billable time that has not been invoiced for
Generate invoices from the billable time to clear WIP
Automatically lock time entries when you bill for them
Bulk-create invoices from the unbilled time
How to create an invoice from unbilled time
To create an invoice from unbilled time and clear your WIP select the time entry or group of entries within a client and then click Create draft invoice
Once the invoice is created, it will clear them from the WIP and the unbilled time report.
Import notes
If you remove a time entry from the invoice or delete the invoice, the time entries will be added back to the unbilled report/WIP.
Once a invoice has been sent to the client with billable time entreis those time entries cannot be edited and will be locked. Learn more in this article.
Bulk Create Invoices
To create invoices in bulk, select multiple clients within the unbilled time report and Create {X} Draft Invoices. The button will indicate how many draft invoices will be created from this action.
Writing up and Down Invoices
When the invoice is created, you can adjust the Quantity or Rate on each line item to write them up or down. This will automatically be recorded in our system for reporting purposes.
Hide entries from the unbilled report
If there are items that do not need to be billed for, you can select the entries and hide them from the view.
Adding unbilled time from within the invoice
You can also easily add unbilled time to an invoice from within the invoice creation dialog by clicking Add Unbilled Time.